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Reports and Briefs

Understanding Types of Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in Grades 7-11

Understanding Types of Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in Grades 7-11

This report explores how students receiving special education services in grades 7–11 experience inclusion in Utah’s schools. It examines patterns of core vs. non-core class inclusion, differences across student groups, and the relationship between inclusion and academic outcomes.

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Factors Influencing Student Participation in the Utah Aspire Plus

The Utah Aspire Plus is an annual assessment of reading, English language arts, math, and science administered to Utah public school students in grades 9 and 10. The Utah State Board of Education contracted with the Utah Education Policy Center to study possible causes of the decline in Utah Aspire Plus participation, including causes related to the “perceived and realized value” of the assessment to students, parents, and educators, and to recommend changes that might improve participation.

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Predictive Validity and Cutoff Scores of Acadience Reading Assessments for Third Grade RISE Reading Assessments

Predictive Validity and Cutoff Scores of Acadience Reading Assessments for Third Grade RISE Reading Assessments

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) partnered with the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) to evaluate the predictive validity of the Acadience Reading assessment’s four subscores (Oral Reading Fluency, Accuracy, Retelling, and MAZE), measured in first through third grade, in reference to two subscores on Utah’s third grade RISE Reading assessment: Informational Text and Literature.

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Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP) Plus: Expanding Technical Career Pathways in Manufacturing for High School Students Summative Evaluation Report

Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP) Plus: Expanding Technical Career Pathways in Manufacturing for High School Students Summative Evaluation Report

This report summarizes findings from UEPC's three-year evaluation of the Pre-Freshman Engingeering Program (PREP) Plus at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), which was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technical Education (ATE) program. PREP Plus focused on the development and implementation of a competency-based engineering technology certificate program at SLCC for high school students from Jordan School District in Utah.

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Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program: Report on Effective Practices and Barriers to Participation

Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program: Report on Effective Practices and Barriers to Participation

The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTS Arts) provides arts-integrated instruction to elementary students across the state of Utah. The BTS Arts goal is to improve student outcomes, including in language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science (BTS Handbook, 2023). In September 2023, the University of Utah was awarded grant funding from the Utah State Board of Education to study the implementation practices, outcomes, and barriers to participation in BTS Arts.

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Assessment to Achievement: Impacting Learning and Growth in Utah Schools.

In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education and Ed Direction, a part of MGT of America, LLC, the Utah Education Policy Center evaluated the relationship between schools’ level of participation in the Assessment to Achievement (A2A) project and the end-of-year state achievement test scores of their students.

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Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4): Phase 2 Evaluation Report

Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4): Phase 2 Evaluation Report

This report presents findings and considerations from the second year of the UEPC's evaluation of the Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) program. Led by a team at Colorado School of Mines, ID4 is a virtual institute uniting scholars and students from 12 sites across the country to integrate human and machine intelligence, revolutionize the design cycle, and foster an inclusive scientific community.

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Idaho Commission for Libraries Out-of-School Time Planning & Programming Grants 2022-23: External Evaluation Summary

Children around the table using iPads

The Idaho Out-of-School Network (ION), Idaho Commission for Libraries, and Idaho STEM Action Center formed a unique partnership to support out-of-school time (OST) programs aimed at addressing lost school time and unfinished learning for youth in Idaho. With funding from the ESSER III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) grant under the American Rescue Plan, administered by the Idaho State Board of Education, the three agencies coordinated to create and deliver grant programs for various types of OST initiatives. The work was commissioned to assess the value and impact of these programs.

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Blended Learning Research Brief #3

Blended Learning Research Brief #3

UEPC identified associations between teachers’ goals for students’ math software use and teachers’ perceptions of the value of software, in partnership with STEM Action Center.

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Blended Learning Research Brief #2

Blended Learning Research Brief #2

Along with our partners as STEM Action Center, UEPC looked at the associations between student attitudes toward math and math learning software use.

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Blended Learning Research Brief #1

Blended Learning Research Brief #1

This research brief, prepared in partnership with STEM Action Center, looks at associations between math learning software usage and personalized, competency-based instructional strategies.

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UEPC Full-Day Kindergarten Study with ULEAD

UEPC Full-Day Kindergarten Study with ULEAD

UEPC’s study compared the reading achievement of a sample of Utah’s FDK and HDK students who started kindergarten between 2015 and 2017. Results highlight the impact of FDK on reading achievement during kindergarten, and suggest a need to provide continued, targeted support to sustain students’ academic progress through third grade.

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Associations Between IXL Personalized Learning Software Use and Student Mathematics Achievement in Utah: 2020 - 2021

Associations Between IXL Personalized Learning Software Use and Student Mathematics Achievement in Utah: 2020 – 2021

This report was prepared for the STEM Action Center in support of the K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant Program. The results of this quasi-experimental study suggest that Utah students who, on average, used IXL for 20 minutes or more per week in 2020-2021 performed better on statewide math assessments than students who did not use IXL. This finding is consistent with IXL’s implementation fidelity and usage recommendations which indicate that, for “optimal usage,” students should reach proficiency in at least two skills per week.

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Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah: An Evaluation of the STEM Action Center’s Professional Learning Grant Program in the 2021-2022 School Year

The STEM AC 2021-2022 Professional Learning grant (PL) supports schools and districts through awarding one to three-year grants to support STEM learning, STEM professional development, and STEM-related needs. Since 2016, UEPC has partnered with STEM AC to determine the effectiveness and student level outcomes of program activities of the PL grant. The 2021-2022 annual report details program outcomes, overall evaluation findings, and program considerations for the 2022-2023 program year.

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Math Personalized Learning Software: Examining Usage and Associations with Achievement in Utah During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Math Personalized Learning Software: Examining Usage and Associations with Achievement in Utah During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In this study, the Utah Education Policy Center provides evidence that students who are low-income use math personalized learning software for less time than students who are not low-income, with the gap in usage increasing in magnitude after the soft closure of Utah’s schools in March 2020. The benefits of usage were similar for students regardless of low-income status.

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Exploring Best Practices in Math Personalized Learning Software Use Among Educators Identified as Positive Outliers

Exploring Best Practices in Math Personalized Learning Software Use Among Educators Identified as Positive Outliers

In this study, the Utah Education Policy Center presents evidence for a “digital use divide” in Utah wherein some students are using technology in ways that enhance their mathematics learning through student-centered and data-informed teacher support while other students are using technology in ways that lead to student disengagement and that contribute to educator disaffection.

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AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program: 2021-2022 Pilot Year Report

AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program: 2021-2022 Pilot Year Report

The Utah Education Policy Center worked collaboratively with Utah’s STEM Action Center to ensure that the AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program was designed and implemented in ways that align with evidence-based and practice-informed guidelines for tutoring and mentoring programs.

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Early-Career Special Education Teachers' Experiences with Preparation and Practice

Early-Career Special Education Teachers’ Experiences with Preparation and Practice

In January 2022, the UEPC surveyed early-career special education teachers across the state of Utah about their experiences in their teacher preparation programs and their perceptions of preparedness for their various professional responsibilities. This report provides a summary and analysis of these survey findings.

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AQI Year 1 and 2 Fast Facts

AQI Year 1 and 2 Fast Facts

To measure the impact of the AQI Program, the DWS-OCC contracted with UEPC to conduct an external evaluation over the three years. This Fast Facts brief highlights key findings from the first two years of the program.

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Special Education ECAPS

Special Education ECAPS

This report offers initial insights into the unique experiences of special education teachers and seeks to serve as a launching point for future work on this group of educators. It is a companion to the UEPC’s primary report on the 2019 ECAPS for Teachers, Educator Motivation, Satisfaction, and Persistence.

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Beginning in the Middle: Mathematics Pathways

Beginning in the Middle: Mathematics Pathways

In Utah, does the successful completion of algebra content in Secondary Math I lay the foundation for later coursework and create a gateway to mathematics courses completed prior to postsecondary…

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Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

The STEM AC 2021-2022 Professional Learning grant (PL) supports schools and districts through awarding one to three-year grants to support STEM learning, STEM professional development, and STEM-related needs. Since 2016, UEPC has partnered with STEM AC to determine the effectiveness and student level outcomes of program activities of the PL grant. The 2021-2022 annual report details program outcomes, overall evaluation findings, and program considerations for the 2022-2023 program year.

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Teen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020 Fast Facts

Teen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020 Fast Facts

In collaboration with the Department of Workforce Services Office of Child Care, the Utah Education Policy Center conducted an external evaluation of the Teen Afterschool Prevention grant program for the three consecutive years of the grant (2016-2019).

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Partnerships for Student Success, 2020 Fast Facts

Partnerships for Student Success, 2020 Fast Facts

The Partnerships for Student Success grant program was created through Utah Senate Bill 67, which was sponsored by Senator Ann Milner and Representative Rebecca Edwards during the 2016 Utah Legislative Session.

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Broadening Participation in Computing in Utah

Broadening Participation in Computing in Utah

An Evaluation of the Impact of the Computing Partnerships Grants Program prepared by the Utah Education Policy Center on behalf of the Utah STEM Action Center.

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Teen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020

Teen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020

In collaboration with The Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care (DWS OCC), the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) conducted an external evaluation of the Teen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) grant program for the three consecutive years of the grant (2016-2019).

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Assessment to Achievement, 2020

Assessment to Achievement, 2020

Assessment to Achievement: Impacting Student Learning and Growth in Utah Schools Annual Evaluation Report (2019-2020)

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Partnerships for Student Success Fast Facts, 2020

Partnerships for Student Success Fast Facts, 2020

In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) conducted an external evaluation of the Partnerships for Student Success grant program, created by Utah Senate Bill 67 (2016).

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"Lift and Lead" Learning Professional

“Lift and Lead” Learning Professional

Published in Learning Forward’s The Learning Professional, this article by Andrea Rorrer, Janice Bradley, and Cori Groth of UEPC explains what it takes to thrive as a leader of a turnaround school.

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Evaluation of Utah's Juvenile Competency Attainment Curriculum

Evaluation of Utah’s Juvenile Competency Attainment Curriculum

The Utah Department of Human Services contracted the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) to: 1. Conduct a review of literature on critical attainment curriculum components, best practices for attainment programming, and best practices for differentiating curriculum and programming for diverse populations, 2. Evaluate Utah’s current attainment curriculum, and 3. Provide recommendations to revise Utah’s current attainment curriculum.

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Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2019

Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2019

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI in public schools grant program appropriated $1,000,000 for programming. The evaluation objectives were to assess program quality and explore relationships among participation and academic outcomes.

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INSPIRE 2017 Leader in Practice Survey Results

INSPIRE 2017 Leader in Practice Survey Results

The purpose of this research brief is to report the findings of the 2017 administration of the INSPIRE-Leaders in Practice (LP) survey to school principals. This survey administration is part of a comprehensive research endeavor by the University Council for Educational Administration to more effectively evaluate leader preparation programs and their resultant outcomes.

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INSPIRE 2017 Graduate Survey Results

INSPIRE 2017 Graduate Survey Results

This research brief presents the findings from the 2017 INSPIRE Graduate (G) Survey, administered by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) to a national sample of recent graduates from educational leadership preparation programs. The survey sought to assess program quality and graduates’ self-reported learning in leadership domains.

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Math Science Partnership (MSP) Evaluation, 2018

Math Science Partnership (MSP) Evaluation, 2018

The Center for Science and Math Education (CSME), at the University of Utah (U of U), received a Mathematics and Science Partnership Program (MSP) grant in 2015-2017.

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STEMLINK Afterschool Grant Program Evaluation, 2018

STEMLINK Afterschool Grant Program Evaluation, 2018

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI in public schools grant program appropriated $1,000,000 for programming. The evaluation objectives were to assess program quality and explore relationships among participation and academic outcomes.

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Teen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) Grant Program Evaluation, 2018

Teen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) Grant Program Evaluation, 2018

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI in public schools grant program appropriated $1,000,000 for programming. The evaluation objectives were to assess program quality and explore relationships among participation and academic outcomes.

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Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018

Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI in public schools grant program appropriated $1,000,000 for programming. The evaluation objectives were to assess program quality and explore relationships among participation and academic outcomes.

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Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018 Longitudinal Report

Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018 Longitudinal Report

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI in public schools grant program appropriated $1,000,000 for programming. The evaluation objectives were to assess program quality and explore relationships among participation and academic outcomes.

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At First Glance: Teachers in Utah

At First Glance: Teachers in Utah

In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education, the Utah Education Policy Center is exploring the teaching labor force in Utah through multiple data and research briefs.

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Teacher Turnover in Utah 2013-14 and 2014-15

Teacher Turnover in Utah 2013-14 and 2014-15

Teacher Turnover in Utah Between 2013-14 and 2014-15 examines teacher turnover in Utah for all teachers, between two recent school years, looking specifically at turnover by various teacher and school characteristics.

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Utah Education Policy History (1997- 2015)

Utah Education Policy History (1997- 2015)

This policy history report summarizes the policies and programs established by the Utah Sate Board of Education between in a 15 year period (1997-2015).

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INSPIRE 2016 PP Survey Results

INSPIRE 2016 PP Survey Results

This research brief focuses on the findings from the INSPIRE-Preparation Program (PP) Edition of the INSPIRE Leadership Survey Suite. The INSPIRE Suite provides valuable data on leadership preparation programs and their outcomes, offering insights into the quality and structure of educational leadership preparation at UCEA member institutions. The survey highlights various aspects of program implementation, including partnerships with K-12 districts, candidate selection processes, curriculum design, candidate assessment methods, and fieldwork opportunities.

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INSPIRE 2016 Graduate Survey Results

INSPIRE 2016 Graduate Survey Results

This research brief reports the findings from the 2016 administration of the INSPIRE Graduate Edition (INSPIRE-G) survey, which gathers data from recent graduates of educational leadership programs. The survey provides insight into graduates' demographics, professional backgrounds, career intentions, and assessments of their leadership preparation program’s quality, as well as their learning outcomes related to national leadership standards.

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Spy Hop Productions Education Data Analyses, 2016

Spy Hop Productions Education Data Analyses, 2016

Spy Hop Productions asked the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) to conduct longitudinal analyses to explore the relationship of Spy Hop participation and educational outcomes.

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Salt Lake Science & Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), 2016

Salt Lake Science & Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), 2016

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), now known as the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF).

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Office of Home Visiting Evaluation, 2015

Office of Home Visiting Evaluation, 2015

Home visiting is an evidence-based, early intervention program that provides health care, education, and other resources to at-risk pregnant women and children through age 5.

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Postsecondary Enrollment Dashboard

Postsecondary Enrollment Dashboard

Students who graduated from a Utah public high school from 2008-2012 and enrolled in a postsecondary institution within 12 months of their high school graduation.

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Initiative to bring Science Programs to the Incarcerated (INSPIRE)

Initiative to bring Science Programs to the Incarcerated (INSPIRE)

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the INSPIRE project run by the University of Utah Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME), in partnership with the Salt Lake County Metro Jail and the Utah Department of Corrections.

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Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2015

Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2015

In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program.

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Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2015

Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2015

The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools.

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Precalculus to Calculus Delay Brief

Precalculus to Calculus Delay Brief

This study used a sample of 1,185 Utah students to examine the relationship of elapsed time between Precalculus and Calculus on Calculus grades.

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Precalculus to Calculus Delay

Precalculus to Calculus Delay

This study used a sample of 1,185 Utah students to examine the relationship of elapsed time between Precalculus and Calculus on Calculus grades.

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Math for America

Math for America

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the University of Utah Math for America (MfA) program, which received funding from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program, the Math for America Foundation, and the State of Utah.

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Concurrent Enrollment and the STEM Pipeline

Concurrent Enrollment and the STEM Pipeline

As a follow up to our Math 1050: College Algebra study, the UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to compare math outcomes for 593 students who took Math 1050 and Math 1060 (Precalculus) through concurrent enrollment while in high school to math outcomes for 592 students who took Math 1050 and Math 1060 through regular enrollment while in college.

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Math 1050: Utah's College Algebra

Math 1050: Utah’s College Algebra

The UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to identify a group of 3,033 students who enrolled in College Algebra (Math 1050) at public higher education institutions in Utah. The study analyzed factors that predicted success in Math 1050.

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Data-Driven Leadership Brief

Data-Driven Leadership Brief

Vicki Park (San Jose State University) and Amanda Datnow (University of California, San Diego) summarize a decade of research on data-driven decision making in districts and schools. They introduce a framework that focuses on the people, policies, practices, and patterns (i.e., four Ps) within data-driven decision making.

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Dual Language Immersion Brief

Dual Language Immersion Brief

The UEPC collaborated with the USOE and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah to analyze state data related to Utah’s Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs.

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Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2014

Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2014

The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools.

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Data-Driven Leadership Summary

Data-Driven Leadership Summary

Vicki Park (San Jose State University) and Amanda Datnow (University of California, San Diego) summarize a decade of research on data-driven decision making in districts and schools.

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Dual Language Immersion

Dual Language Immersion

The UEPC collaborated with the USOE and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah to analyze state data related to Utah’s Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs.

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Support and Mentoring in an Alternate Route to Teaching (SMART)

Support and Mentoring in an Alternate Route to Teaching (SMART)

The UEPC conducted an evaluation of the University of Utah Support and Mentoring in an Alternate Route to Teaching (SMART) program, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, in its first two years of implementation.

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Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2013

Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2013

The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools.

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Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic Absenteeism

The UEPC conducted analyses of the demographic and academic correlates of chronic absenteeism in K-12.

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Performance-based Compensation

Performance-based Compensation

The UEPC evaluated the Performance-based Compensation Pilot Program. This program provided bonuses paid to teachers based on areas of student learning gains, instructional quality, and parent satisfaction.

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Utah Charter School Study

Utah Charter School Study

In response to the Utah Legislature Executive Appropriations Committee Request for Proposal in 2006, the UEPC conducted a study of charter schools in Utah to obtain information about the purpose, authorization, governance, and training associated with charter schools, as well as information about parents’ decisions to enroll in or withdraw their students from charter schools.

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Featured Reports

Last Updated: 2/10/25