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Online Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2013

The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools.

  • Surveys include school climate measures and teacher and leader effectiveness scales aligned with the USOE’s Educator Effectiveness project
  • Since April 2014, over 15,000 individuals have been surveyed

Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Survey flyer

What do the surveys measure? Educator effectiveness, school climate, school safety, professional environment, communication, learning support, emotional support, classroom management, parent support. Who takes the surveys? Students, parents, faculty and staff. Survey and School Improvement. Survey feedback can be used as part of school-wide improvement efforts. Survey results provide individualized feedback for teachers and school leaders to enhance their practice, results may be used to increase communication and engagement with students and parents. 


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Last Updated: 1/24/25