Our Services
How We Work
We are committed to conducting rigorous basic and applied research that is focused on answering fundamental questions about practices, programs, and policies. We collaborate with partners throughout the research process—from listening to the needs of partners to developing research designs to providing findings and reports that are actionable and impactful. Our research fills gaps in the field and provides the information that educational entities and non-profit organizations need to best serve students, families, constituents, and stakeholders.
Examples of Services
Survey Development
We offer tailored survey development services to meet the needs of our partners. We create relevant surveys that yield actionable findings and inform decision making.
Our services include question design, sampling design, pilot testing, survey administration, data management, data analysis, and reporting. Our survey portfolio includes topics such as technology-enabled instruction, assessing school and community needs, family engagement, the effectiveness of professional learning opportunities, leadership preparation and development, teacher working conditions, satisfaction and retention, and changes in student attitudes toward learning over time.
Effectiveness and Efficacy Studies
We specialize in studies that assess the short- and long-term impacts of educational programs, interventions, and policies.
We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to understand how programs, interventions, and policies are being implemented, and whether they make an impact. Our team has expertise in conducting correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental research that meets What Works Clearingouse and Evidence for ESSA standards. Our studies include topics like leadership and teaching, interventions aimed at enhancing student learning outcomes by expanding access to educational technology, high-dosage tutoring, integrated arts instruction, out-of-school-time programs, and family engagement initiatives.
Longitudinal Studies
Tracking data over an extended period of time provides valuable insights into the sustained impact and outcomes of our partners’ work.
Our longitudinal studies help identify short- and long-term effects or changes, correlations and causal relationships, and other trends over time.
Methodological Consultation
We provide consulting methodologies that ensure the accuracy and actionability of research findings.
We expertly craft robust study designs, select appropriate sampling methods, engage in data analysis, and provide interpretation. Our team can help navigate complex research questions and increase the reliability and validity of their findings.
Ready to build capacity and achieve excellence? Contact us to partner with the UEPC to make research actionable and impactful.