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Promising Practices for Creating Strong Technology-Enabled Learning Environments:

Associations Between Teachers' Math Learning Software Implementation Practices and Students' Mathematics Achievement

In partnership with the Utah STEM Action Center and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) examined associations between myriad software implementation practices and student achievement outcomes.

These analyses revealed that students showed stronger gains in scores on statewide mathematics assessments when teachers:

  1. Selected evidence-based math learning software to support teaching and learning;
  2. Used math learning software to support teachers or tutors in providing individual instruction to students;
  3. Set mastery goals for students’ use of math learning software;
  4. Were attentive to data from math learning software about student performance on specific skills;
  5. Used data from math learning software to identify areas for strengthening their own content knowledge or teaching skills; and
  6. Used data from math learning software to reflect on and discuss learning with students.

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Last Updated: 2/10/25