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INSPIRE 2017 Graduate Survey Results

During the past couple of decades, policy-makers and constituents have increased their expectations for education accountability. Given UCEA’s longstanding educational leadership preparation and development mission, UCEA has implemented a series of surveys to more effectively assess the quality of leadership preparation programs and their resultant short-term and long-term outcomes.

Specifically, UCEA developed and implemented the INSPIRE Leadership Survey Suite which includes:

  1. the Preparation Program (PP) Edition that captures and describes major program features;
  2. the Graduate (G) Edition that collects data on recent graduates’ demographics, professional background, and career intentions as well as graduates’ evaluation of their leadership program’s quality and their own learning outcomes in standards-based leadership domains; and
  3. the Leaders in Practice (LP) and 360 Editions that assess practicing school leaders’ performance behaviors and related school conditions from the perspective of multiple educators serving in various roles. This research brief is designed to highlight the latest findings from the administration of the 2017 INSPIRE Graduate Edition to a national sample of educational leadership program graduates. 

View 2017 graduate survey

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Last Updated: 2/10/25