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Reports and Briefs

Assessment to Achievement: Impacting Learning and Growth in Utah Schools.

In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education and Ed Direction, a part of MGT of America, LLC, the Utah Education Policy Center evaluated the relationship between schools’ level of participation in the Assessment to Achievement (A2A) project and the end-of-year state achievement test scores of their students.

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Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah: An Evaluation of the STEM Action Center’s Professional Learning Grant Program in the 2021-2022 School Year

The STEM AC 2021-2022 Professional Learning grant (PL) supports schools and districts through awarding one to three-year grants to support STEM learning, STEM professional development, and STEM-related needs. Since 2016, UEPC has partnered with STEM AC to determine the effectiveness and student level outcomes of program activities of the PL grant. The 2021-2022 annual report details program outcomes, overall evaluation findings, and program considerations for the 2022-2023 program year.

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Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

Advancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah

The STEM AC 2021-2022 Professional Learning grant (PL) supports schools and districts through awarding one to three-year grants to support STEM learning, STEM professional development, and STEM-related needs. Since 2016, UEPC has partnered with STEM AC to determine the effectiveness and student level outcomes of program activities of the PL grant. The 2021-2022 annual report details program outcomes, overall evaluation findings, and program considerations for the 2022-2023 program year.

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Assessment to Achievement, 2020

Assessment to Achievement, 2020

Assessment to Achievement: Impacting Student Learning and Growth in Utah Schools Annual Evaluation Report (2019-2020)

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"Lift and Lead" Learning Professional

“Lift and Lead” Learning Professional

Published in Learning Forward’s The Learning Professional, this article by Andrea Rorrer, Janice Bradley, and Cori Groth of UEPC explains what it takes to thrive as a leader of a turnaround school.

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Math for America

Math for America

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the University of Utah Math for America (MfA) program, which received funding from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program, the Math for America Foundation, and the State of Utah.

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Last Updated: 2/10/25