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Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP) Plus: Expanding Technical Career Pathways in Manufacturing for High School Students Summative Evaluation Report

Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP) Plus: Expanding Technical Career Pathways in Manufacturing for High School Students Summative Evaluation Report

This report summarizes findings from UEPC's three-year evaluation of the Pre-Freshman Engingeering Program (PREP) Plus at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), which was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technical Education (ATE) program. PREP Plus focused on the development and implementation of a competency-based engineering technology certificate program at SLCC for high school students from Jordan School District in Utah.

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Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4): Phase 2 Evaluation Report

Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4): Phase 2 Evaluation Report

This report presents findings and considerations from the second year of the UEPC's evaluation of the Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) program. Led by a team at Colorado School of Mines, ID4 is a virtual institute uniting scholars and students from 12 sites across the country to integrate human and machine intelligence, revolutionize the design cycle, and foster an inclusive scientific community.

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Blended Learning Research Brief #2

Blended Learning Research Brief #2

Along with our partners as STEM Action Center, UEPC looked at the associations between student attitudes toward math and math learning software use.

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Blended Learning Research Brief #1

Blended Learning Research Brief #1

This research brief, prepared in partnership with STEM Action Center, looks at associations between math learning software usage and personalized, competency-based instructional strategies.

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Associations Between IXL Personalized Learning Software Use and Student Mathematics Achievement in Utah: 2020 - 2021

Associations Between IXL Personalized Learning Software Use and Student Mathematics Achievement in Utah: 2020 – 2021

This report was prepared for the STEM Action Center in support of the K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant Program. The results of this quasi-experimental study suggest that Utah students who, on average, used IXL for 20 minutes or more per week in 2020-2021 performed better on statewide math assessments than students who did not use IXL. This finding is consistent with IXL’s implementation fidelity and usage recommendations which indicate that, for “optimal usage,” students should reach proficiency in at least two skills per week.

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Exploring Best Practices in Math Personalized Learning Software Use Among Educators Identified as Positive Outliers

Exploring Best Practices in Math Personalized Learning Software Use Among Educators Identified as Positive Outliers

In this study, the Utah Education Policy Center presents evidence for a “digital use divide” in Utah wherein some students are using technology in ways that enhance their mathematics learning through student-centered and data-informed teacher support while other students are using technology in ways that lead to student disengagement and that contribute to educator disaffection.

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AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program: 2021-2022 Pilot Year Report

AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program: 2021-2022 Pilot Year Report

The Utah Education Policy Center worked collaboratively with Utah’s STEM Action Center to ensure that the AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program was designed and implemented in ways that align with evidence-based and practice-informed guidelines for tutoring and mentoring programs.

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Beginning in the Middle: Mathematics Pathways

Beginning in the Middle: Mathematics Pathways

In Utah, does the successful completion of algebra content in Secondary Math I lay the foundation for later coursework and create a gateway to mathematics courses completed prior to postsecondary…

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Broadening Participation in Computing in Utah

Broadening Participation in Computing in Utah

An Evaluation of the Impact of the Computing Partnerships Grants Program prepared by the Utah Education Policy Center on behalf of the Utah STEM Action Center.

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Math Science Partnership (MSP) Evaluation, 2018

Math Science Partnership (MSP) Evaluation, 2018

The Center for Science and Math Education (CSME), at the University of Utah (U of U), received a Mathematics and Science Partnership Program (MSP) grant in 2015-2017.

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Salt Lake Science & Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), 2016

Salt Lake Science & Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), 2016

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), now known as the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF).

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Initiative to bring Science Programs to the Incarcerated (INSPIRE)

Initiative to bring Science Programs to the Incarcerated (INSPIRE)

The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the INSPIRE project run by the University of Utah Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME), in partnership with the Salt Lake County Metro Jail and the Utah Department of Corrections.

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Concurrent Enrollment and the STEM Pipeline

Concurrent Enrollment and the STEM Pipeline

As a follow up to our Math 1050: College Algebra study, the UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to compare math outcomes for 593 students who took Math 1050 and Math 1060 (Precalculus) through concurrent enrollment while in high school to math outcomes for 592 students who took Math 1050 and Math 1060 through regular enrollment while in college.

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Last Updated: 2/10/25